Calling people to experience

a real relationship with Jesus

This is the heart of Jesus for the world—life for eternity, and abundant, victorious life for today—and this is the heart of the message that God has burdened me to proclaim. The Christian life isn't just a set of doctrines to adhere to and disciplines to follow; it is a vibrant, living, real relationship with Jesus—Who is THE LIFE!

We need revival.

Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation.
Psalm 85:6-7
The nations of the world are on a fast-track to destruction, enticed by the vain philosophies of man and enflamed by decades of moral decay. Sadly, the people of God are not far behind. Though we know that Jesus wins in the end, we often act like He's the underdog being pummeled by the enemy in this stage of the battle. And why wouldn't we when we're hunkered down in fear, defeated by sinful habits, just going through the motions without spiritual life and power? Though we don't like to say it, our ineffectiveness at accomplishing our mission to reach the world, our brokenness in our homes, and our emptiness in our own spiritual walk are all screaming the same message...WE NEED SOMETHING TO CHANGE! We need an again! We need revival.

Revival is Jesus.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life...
John 14:6
Jesus is not just the One who brings us back to genuine Christian living...He IS the Life we need. He is not the means to a nebulous goal of "revival"; He is the goal itself! When God's people step into a real relationship with Jesus and embrace His life as their own, THAT is revival...Jesus Himself, made known to the world through ordinary, surrendered, dependent people who have exchanged their life for THE Life—Jesus!
...I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10
Hi, we are the Muellers. We are just ordinary people who are still learning and growing in our walk with Jesus. On our journey, He has called us to help declare this much-needed message in our generation. We love to present truth in a practical, simple, straightforward way with an emphasis on personal application. If we can be a help to you or your church in any way, please reach out to us. We would love to partner with you on your pursuit of Jesus.